CH StALU Staatsarchiv des Kantons Luzern (12. Jh. (ca.)-21. Jh.)
Staatliche Bestände (Historische Bestände, Pertinenz-System)
Staatliche Bestände (Moderne Bestände, Provenienz-System)
Bestände Stadt Luzern
Nichtstaatliche Bestände (Privatarchive)
Familienarchive, Nachlässe, Einzelakten von Personen, Genealogie
Schloss- und Herrschaftsarchive
Korporationen und Zwinge
Einwohnergemeinden, Bürgergemeinden, Ortsgeschichten, Liegenschaften, Höfe
Landeskirchen (römisch-katholisch und evangelisch-reformiert), Kirchgemeinden und Pfarreien, lokale Bruderschaften, Kong...
Klöster, Stifte, religiöse Gemeinschaften
Dominikanerinnen Sankt Agnes
Kloster Sankt Anna, Luzern, Gerlisberg
Kloster Sankt Urban
Kongregation der Barmherzigen Brüder von Maria-Hilf
Missionsgesellschaft Bethlehem Immensee SMB
FDC 115 Glasplatten-Negative Sammlung "Alt-Bethlehem" (1901-1937 (ca.))
FDC 118 SMB-China-Mission Tsitsikar: Sammlung Glas-Diapositive, koloriert (1926 (ca.)-1939 (ca.))
FDC 121 SMB-China-Mission Tsitsikar/Qiqihar: Glasplatten-Negative, schwarz-weiss (1926 (ca.)-1939 (ca.))
PA 1378 Fotobestand SMB: Fotonachlass Josef Schmidlin SMB, Japan (1956 (ca.)-1983 (ca.))
PA 1388 Seminar-Blätter bzw. Scintillae sowie Kritik der Seminarblätter (1923-1964)
PA 1390 Ecuador, Quito: Aquarelle, Zeichnungen und Fotografien mit religiösen und volkskundlichen Motiven. Sammlung aus der Barr... (1886 (ca.)-1900 (ca.))
PA 1408 SMB-Region Simbabwe Rhodesien, Zeitschriften 1: Guti bzw. Pakati Pedu. (1951.12-2002)
PA 1410 SMB-Region Simbabwe Rhodesien, Zeitschriften 2: Catholic News bzw. Parish News (1958.07-1968.12)
PA 1411 SMB-Region Simbabwe Rhodesien, Zeitschriften 3: Mambo Magazine; Kristo; Moto (1974-1990)
PA 1420 SMB-Zeitungssammlung Pressedienst Walter Heim (1948-1979)
PA 1435 Institut Bethlehem bzw. Gymnasium Immensee: Theater, Veranstaltungen (1914 (ca.)-2006)
H 334 Zeitschrift Bethlehem bzw. Wendekreis (1896-2017)
H 335 Bethlehem-Kalender bzw. Bethlehem Jahrbuch (1922-1988)
K 6673 Bethlehem: The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem, Immensee, Switzerland. (1897-1984)
K 6673 Bethlehem or Stamp Collector Calendar. An illustrated monthly Magazine issued by the Bethlehem Institute. (1897-1905)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An Illustrated Monthly Magazine issued by the Bethlehem Institute. Ab Mai 1908 im Untertitel: A Magazine of t... (1906-1909)
K 6673 Bethlehem. A Monthly Magazine of the Bethlehem Apostolic School and of the Work of Missions and Abandoned Parishes. (1910-1911)
K 6673 Bethlehem. A Monthly Magazine of the Bethlehem Apostolic School and of the Work of Missions and Abandoned Parishes. (1912)
K 6673 Bethlehem. A Monthly Magazine. (1913-1914)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1915-1916)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1917-1918)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1919)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1920)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1921)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1922)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1923)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1924)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1925)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1926)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1927)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1928)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1929)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1930)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1931)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1932)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1933)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1934)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1935)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1936)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1937)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1938)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1939-1940)
K 6673 Bethlehem: The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem, Immensee, Switzerland. (1946)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1947)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1948)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1949)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1950)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1951)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1952)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1953)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1954)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1955)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1956)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1957)
K 6673 Bethlehem, published by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1958)
K 6673 Bethlehem, by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1959)
K 6673 Bethlehem, by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1960)
K 6673 Bethlehem, by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1961)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1962)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1963)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1964)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1965)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1966)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1967)
Practical Implementation of the Council Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1,... (1967)
Awakening Africa / Aloysius Haene, Gwelo. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1967, p. 14 - 24
Candid Stoffel SMB / Fran... (1967)
African Seminarians Write about their O.P. Nuns.- In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1967, p. 24
Lucian Vonlanthen SMB (1967)
The Bethlehem Missionaries' Annual Report / Max Blöchliger. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1967, p. 39 - 44
Gwelo, ... (1967)
Formosa: Deanery of Taitung. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1967, p. 49 - 51 (1967)
Colombia: Deanery of El Rosario. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1967, p. 52/53
Meinrad Tschirky SMB (1967)
The Bethlehem Fathers in Switzerland / Max Blöchliger. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1967, p. 55/56 (1967)
To Heaven - with Crutches / Gertrud Scheu. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1967, p. 57/58
Gwelo (1967)
Chikwingwizha Diary : Blame it on the Cock. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1967, p. 59 - 62
Gwelo, John Hummel SMB ... (1967)
Religion in Japan / Giosch Gartmann. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1967, p. 63 - 65 (1967)
Lilies in the Dark Forest / George Sturm. - In: Bethlehem (engl.). No. 2, 1967, p. 66 - 69
Japan (1967)
Christianity and the African Way of Life / Aloysius Haene. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1967, p. 75 - 84
Gwelo (1967)
The Good and the Bad Magician / Josef Michlig. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1967, p. 85 (1967)
Woman's Fate in Africa / Gertrud Scheu. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1967, p. 86 - 89
Gwelo, Rhodesia (1967)
Caring for Body and Soul / Sr. M. Olga. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1967, p. 91 - 93
Harare State Hospital, Sali... (1967)
Hospital Chaplain among the Africans / George Jörger. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 3, 1967, p. 94 - 96
Mission Hospi... (1967)
The Church in Zanzibar. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 3, 1967, p. 97 /98
Tanzania (1967)
Matar, An Ancestral Sacrifice by the Malay Inhabitants of Ch-pen, Formosa / Patrik Veil. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 3,... (1967)
Ancestor Worship in Formosa / Ueli Scherer. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 3, 1967, p. 102 - 105
Taitung (1967)
Our College Introduces Itself / Hans Krömler. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1967, p. 111 - 115
SMB Headquarter / P... (1967)
70 Years-Bethlehem College / Walter Heim. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1967, p. 116/117 (1967)
The Spiritual Advantages of a Boarding-College / Othmar Eckert. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1967, p. 118 - 121
G... (1967)
Not to Know Scripture Means not to Know Christ : Remarks regarding the teaching of Doctrine at Grammar Schools / Jakob B... (1967)
Science Subjects at Grammar School / Ernst Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1967, p. 125 - 129
Albert Wüest SMB... (1967)
Training in Historical Thinking / Walter Heim. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1967, p. 130/131 (1967)
Societies at Boarding-Schools? / Walter Kümin. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1967, p. 132/133 (1967)
The Hyacinth of Mohammed : Aesthetic Activity at our School / Arthur Wüest. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1967, p. 134... (1967)
Young Colombians Answer Questions on Religion / Albert Wüest. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1967, p. 139 - 141 (1967)
African Mothers / Josef Rutishauser. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1967, p. 147 - 149 (1967)
TB Sanatorium in Africa / Martin Holenstein. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1967, p. 150 - 156 (1967)
St. Zacharias of Torwood / Francis Wyss. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1967, p. 157 - 159
Bishop Alois Haene SMB /... (1967)
Radio and Television Apostolate in Rhodesia / John F. Gough. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1967, p. 159 - 162
Patr... (1967)
Christian Themes in Radio and TV Plays / Thomas Immoos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1967, p. 163
Tokyo, Japan (1967)
Formosan Diocese has a Vocations Problem of its Own. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1967, p. 168 /169
Bishop Andrew... (1967)
Coming up with a Good Idea / Meinrad Tschirky. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1967, p. 170 - 172 (1967)
Three New Bethlehem Fathers in 1967. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1967, p. 172
Joseph Brogli SMB / Paul Peng SMB ... (1967)
Five Years of Apostolic and Missionary Aid in Switzerland. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1967, p. 173
Paul Meier S... (1967)
To Give is More Blessed Than to Receive / John Egli. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1967, p. 176/177-
Formosa (1967)
African Liturgy in Rhodesia / Michael Traber. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1967, p. 183 - 185 (1967)
Church Music in Africa / Joseph Lenherr. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1967, p. 186 - 189
Joseph Suter SMB, Rhodes... (1967)
New Church Hymns in Japan / George Sturm. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1967, p. 190 - 192 (1967)
Asia: The Presence of the Church in the Mission World / William J. Richardson. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1967, p. ... (1967)
Cursillo in Sendai / Giosch Gartmann. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1967, p. 198 - 201 (1967)
The Bununs in Formosa / Francis Senn. - In. Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1967, p. 204 - 208
Alfred Giger SMB (1967)
The New Shona bible Translation / Konrad Brühwiler. - In: Bethlehem (engl.). No. 7, 1967, p. 219 - 223
Michael Hanna... (1967)
Ten Years of Shona Literature / Beat Inauen. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1967, p. 224 - 226
Gokomere, Rhodesia /... (1967)
Catechesis in Africa / Emil Frey. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1967, p. 228/229 (1967)
Lay Apostolate in the Parish of Gwelo / Josef Reich. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1967, p. 231 - 236
St. Theresa'... (1967)
The Presence of the Church in the World: Africa / William J. Richardson. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1967, p. 237 - ... (1967)
A Feast for the Godparents / Meinrad Tschirky. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1967, p. 241/242 (1967)
Fables from Formosa / Patrick Veil. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1967, p. 242 - 245 (1967)
How does the Council Affect South America? / Albert Wüest. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1967, p. 255 - 261
Past... (1967)
Letters from Columbia / Anton Borer. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1967, p. 262/263 (1967)
On Columbia's Roads / Edward Studhalter. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1967, p. 264 269 (1967)
Fables from Formosa / Patrick Veil. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1967, p. 277 - 280 (1967)
Christian Communities in Mission Lands. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1967, p. 291 - 299
Rhodesia / John Hug SMB ... (1967)
Christianity and the Japanese / Al Imfeld. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1967, p. 300/301 (1967)
Vatican II and the Non-Christian Religions in Japanese Perspective / Spae Jos. J. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1967,... (1967)
New Leaders for the Bethlehem Fathers. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1967, p. 306/307
Old and new team of council... (1967)
Letter from Columbia / Anton Borer. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1967, p. 308
Juan Rütsche SMB (1967)
On the Roads of Columbia / Edward Studhalter. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1967, p. 312 (1967)
An African Witchdoctor at Work / Martin Holenstein. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1967, p. 314 - 319 (1967)
Communication with Our Dead Ancestors : An outline of traditional Shona belief / Joseph Kumbirai. - In: Bethlehem (engl.... (1967)
Rhodesia's First African Women Journalists / Mutamba Joe J. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1967, p. 327 - 341
Mamb... (1967)
No More new Mission Schools in Rhodesia : Existing work will not be affected / Anne Placido. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No... (1967)
School and Education in Rhodesia / Xaver Inglin. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1967, p. 334 - 341
Serima / John B... (1967)
Chitenderano Chitsva : The New Testament in Shona / Beat Inauen. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1967, p. 342/342
M... (1967)
New Appointment for Fr. Walter T. Huber / Anton J. Borer. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1967, p. 344 (1967)
In Memory of Fr. Anton Ebnöther SMB / Ambrose Rust. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1967, p. 345
Northern Manchuria (1967)
In, but not Part of, Japan / Al Imfeld. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1967, p. 347/348
Morioka /G. Gartmann SMB (1967)
Ahong Keeps her Faith / Patrick Veil. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1967, p. 356
Formosa (1967)
Effects of the Liturgical Reform in the Missions / Joseph Lenherr. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1967, p.363 - 365
... (1967)
The Role of the Mudzimu in Everyday Life : An outline of Traditional Shona Beliefs / Joseph Kumbirai. - In: Bethlehem (e... (1967)
Are Adolescents Apostolic? : Junior Discussion Forum / Anton J. Borer. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1967, p. 374 (1967)
Letters from Columbia / Anton J. Borer. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1967, p. 376 - 378 (1967)
Newcomer to Formosa / Hans Huser. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1967, p. 379 - 383 (1967)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1968)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1969)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1970)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1971)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an pictorial magazine published ten times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Society, Immensee, Switzerland. (1972)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an pictorial magazine published ten times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Society, Immensee, Switzerland. (1973)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an pictorial magazine published ten times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Society, Immensee, Switzerland. (1974)
K 6673 Bethlehem: Mission and Third World. An pictorial magazine published nine times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Societ... (1975-1976)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1977-1978)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1979-1980)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1981-1982)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1983-1984)
PA 1458 SMB-Publikationen intern, periodisch erscheinend, hauptsächlich deutsch, mit einzelnen Beiträgen auch in Englisch oder F... (1936-2009)
PA 1467 Kapelle Missionshaus Immensee, Skizzen und Entwürfe Hochaltarbild und Glasfenster Krypta, sowie Friedhof, ein Aquarell z... (1937 (ca.)-1945 (ca.))
Spitalschwestern-Gemeinschaft von Luzern
Stift St. Leodegar im Hof, Luzern
Regionale kirchliche Körperschaften: Dekanate etc.
Regionale Verwaltungseinheiten und Organisationen: Schulkreise, Ämter, Bezirke etc.
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Drucksachen: Schriften, Flugblätter, Zeitungsnummern, Spielkarten etc.