CH StALU Staatsarchiv des Kantons Luzern (12. Jh. (ca.)-21. Jh.)
Staatliche Bestände (Historische Bestände, Pertinenz-System)
Staatliche Bestände (Moderne Bestände, Provenienz-System)
Bestände Stadt Luzern
Nichtstaatliche Bestände (Privatarchive)
Familienarchive, Nachlässe, Einzelakten von Personen, Genealogie
Schloss- und Herrschaftsarchive
Korporationen und Zwinge
Einwohnergemeinden, Bürgergemeinden, Ortsgeschichten, Liegenschaften, Höfe
Landeskirchen (römisch-katholisch und evangelisch-reformiert), Kirchgemeinden und Pfarreien, lokale Bruderschaften, Kong...
Klöster, Stifte, religiöse Gemeinschaften
Dominikanerinnen Sankt Agnes
Kloster Sankt Anna, Luzern, Gerlisberg
Kloster Sankt Urban
Kongregation der Barmherzigen Brüder von Maria-Hilf
Missionsgesellschaft Bethlehem Immensee SMB
FDC 115 Glasplatten-Negative Sammlung "Alt-Bethlehem" (1901-1937 (ca.))
FDC 118 SMB-China-Mission Tsitsikar: Sammlung Glas-Diapositive, koloriert (1926 (ca.)-1939 (ca.))
FDC 121 SMB-China-Mission Tsitsikar/Qiqihar: Glasplatten-Negative, schwarz-weiss (1926 (ca.)-1939 (ca.))
PA 1378 Fotobestand SMB: Fotonachlass Josef Schmidlin SMB, Japan (1956 (ca.)-1983 (ca.))
PA 1388 Seminar-Blätter bzw. Scintillae sowie Kritik der Seminarblätter (1923-1964)
PA 1390 Ecuador, Quito: Aquarelle, Zeichnungen und Fotografien mit religiösen und volkskundlichen Motiven. Sammlung aus der Barr... (1886 (ca.)-1900 (ca.))
PA 1408 SMB-Region Simbabwe Rhodesien, Zeitschriften 1: Guti bzw. Pakati Pedu. (1951.12-2002)
PA 1410 SMB-Region Simbabwe Rhodesien, Zeitschriften 2: Catholic News bzw. Parish News (1958.07-1968.12)
PA 1411 SMB-Region Simbabwe Rhodesien, Zeitschriften 3: Mambo Magazine; Kristo; Moto (1974-1990)
PA 1420 SMB-Zeitungssammlung Pressedienst Walter Heim (1948-1979)
PA 1435 Institut Bethlehem bzw. Gymnasium Immensee: Theater, Veranstaltungen (1914 (ca.)-2006)
H 334 Zeitschrift Bethlehem bzw. Wendekreis (1896-2017)
H 335 Bethlehem-Kalender bzw. Bethlehem Jahrbuch (1922-1988)
K 6673 Bethlehem: The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem, Immensee, Switzerland. (1897-1984)
K 6673 Bethlehem or Stamp Collector Calendar. An illustrated monthly Magazine issued by the Bethlehem Institute. (1897-1905)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An Illustrated Monthly Magazine issued by the Bethlehem Institute. Ab Mai 1908 im Untertitel: A Magazine of t... (1906-1909)
K 6673 Bethlehem. A Monthly Magazine of the Bethlehem Apostolic School and of the Work of Missions and Abandoned Parishes. (1910-1911)
K 6673 Bethlehem. A Monthly Magazine of the Bethlehem Apostolic School and of the Work of Missions and Abandoned Parishes. (1912)
K 6673 Bethlehem. A Monthly Magazine. (1913-1914)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1915-1916)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1917-1918)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1919)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1920)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1921)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1922)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1923)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1924)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1925)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1926)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1927)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1928)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1929)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1930)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1931)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1932)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1933)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1934)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1935)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1936)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1937)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1938)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1939-1940)
K 6673 Bethlehem: The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem, Immensee, Switzerland. (1946)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1947)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1948)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1949)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1950)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1951)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1952)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1953)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1954)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1955)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1956)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1957)
K 6673 Bethlehem, published by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1958)
K 6673 Bethlehem, by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1959)
K 6673 Bethlehem, by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1960)
K 6673 Bethlehem, by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1961)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1962)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1963)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1964)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1965)
Disunited Christians / Hermann Brun. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1965, p. 4/5
Formosa, Chang Pin (1965)
In They Believe / Hans Egli. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1965, p. 6 - 11
Formosa, Taitung (1965)
A Mission with a New Sign / Josef Rutishauser. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1965, p. 11 - 20 (1965)
The Church Turns African / James Brandley. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1965, p. 20 - 23
Gwelo, Rhodesia (1965)
My Way to the Priesthood / Francis N. Mugadzi. - In: Bethlehem (engl.). - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1965, p. 24 - 28... (1965)
The Superior General's Annual Report / Max Blöchliger. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1965, p. 39 - 52
Gwelo, Rhode... (1965)
A Home for Town-Dwellers / John Geisser. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1965, p. 53 - 57
John Geisser SMB, Gwelo, R... (1965)
Dedication of a Church in Africa / Sebastian Kühne. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1965, p. 58/59
Bondolfi Mission,... (1965)
African Teachers in S. Rhodesia / James Schönenberger. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1965, p. 60 - 64
Guido Zanett... (1965)
My Short Life-Story / Kizito Japhet Mavima. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1965, p. 65
Rhodesia (1965)
Speaking of Rhodesian Schools / Guido Zanetti. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 3, 1965, p. 80 - 82 (1965)
Notes from a Young Missioner / Martin Holenstein. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 3, 1965, p. 84 - 95
Africa, Gwelo (1965)
The Mystery of the African Soul / Joseph Kaiser. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 3, 1965, p. 96 - 100
Brs. Seraphin Lut... (1965)
The Need for Wise and Holy African Priests. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1965, p. 111 - 115
Africa (1965)
Africa on the Way to Freedom / Eugen Fehr. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1965, p. 116 - 118 (1965)
African Witch-Doctor: Genius or Charlatan? / Joseph Michlig. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1965, p. 119 - 123 (1965)
Divided Christianity in Africa / Joseph Rutishauser. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1965, p. 123 - 126
Silveira, Rh... (1965)
Toumliline: Monasticism's Hour of Greatness / James Baumgartner. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1965, p. 127 - 133
... (1965)
Padre Nuestro / Albert Kappeler. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1965, p. 134
Colombia (1965)
Mary - The Church - The Missionary / James Baumgartner. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1965, p. 147 - 152 (1965)
An Historic Ordination to the Priesthood / Edwin Bruggmann. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1965, p. 154 - 155
Gwelo... (1965)
How the Bethlehem Missionaries Came to Formosa / James Hilber. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1965, p. 160 - 164
Ms... (1965)
Colombian Tit-Bits / Edward Studhalter. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1965, p. 164 - 167 (1965)
The Need for More and Good Catholic Teachers in Mission Contries / Edward Christen. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1965... (1965)
The Hermit of Saccidananda / James Baumgartner. - In. Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1965, p. 183 - 190
Indien (1965)
Colombian Villages Growing up / Xaver Bürkler. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1965, p. 191 - 195 (1965)
School and Progress / Albert Kappeler. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 2009, p. 196 - 203
Colombia (1965)
More Colombian Tit-Bits / Edward Studhalter. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1965, p. 204 - 206
Timbio, Colombia (1965)
Vigil for the Dead / Fridolin Hoin. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1965, p. 208
El Palmar, Colombia (1965)
Gwelo School for Catholic Journalists Founded. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1965, p. 210
Lenten Fast Collection o... (1965)
Our New Priests. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1965, p. 211
Willy Boehi SMB / Joseph Schinagl SMB ) Clemens Schäf... (1965)
Holy Sacrament of Confirmation in Gwelo, Rhodesia. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1965, p. 14
Bishop Aloisius Haen... (1965)
The Application of the Council's Decisions in the Missions. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1965, p. 219 - 223 (1965)
The Companions of the Carpenter / James Baumgartner. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1965, p. 224 - 226
Abbé Paul Ga... (1965)
The Brother of Tomorrow / Edward Blatter. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1965, p. 228 - 231
Gwelo, Bethlehem Brothe... (1965)
The Swiss MIVA / Anthony Krattenmacher. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1965, p. 236 - 240
Alois Wolfisberg SMB, Nor... (1965)
The Swiss Medical Missionary Society / Friedrich Kürner. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1965, p. 241 - 243 (1965)
Shortage of Priests in Latin America / Ambrose Rust. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1965, p. 244 - 246
Amadeo Cando... (1965)
Schöneck on Lake Lucerne / Ernstpeter Heiniger. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1965, p. 256 (1965)
Students Go A-Wooing / Josef Bieger. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1965, p. 257 - 260
Schöneck (1965)
Seminary Training / Ronald Twerenbold. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. .8/9, 1965, p. 261 - (1965)
Humour in the Mission Seminary / Ernest Wildi. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), Nr. 8/9, 1965, p. 264 - 266 (1965)
Holidays on Simplon / Max Egli. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1965, p. 266 - 269
Michael Traber SMB / Joseph Els... (1965)
Do Priests Know Life? / Toni Achermann. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1965, p. 270 - 272 (1965)
Three Weeks at the Caritas Centre / Hans Binder. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1965, p. 272 /73 (1965)
The other Track / Peter Haag. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1965, p. 274/275
Brother-missionaries Anthony Wey / ... (1965)
In the Land of Apartheid / Joseph Rutishauser. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1965, p. 278 - 385
Joseph Elsener S... (1965)
Happiness in the School-Satchel / Ambrose Rust SMB. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1965, p. 292 - 295
Gwelo, Rhode... (1965)
The Catholic Schools of the Gwelo Diocese / Edwin Bruggmann. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1965, p. 296 - 299
Ant... (1965)
The Schoolchild in Africa / Joseph Michlig. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1965, p. 300 - 303 (1965)
Education in Japan / Giosch Gartmann. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1965, p. 304 - 307 (1965)
Is Japan Afraid of the Child? / Giosch Gartmann. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1965, p. 308 - 311
Joseph Schmidli... (1965)
Priests of all Nations and Cultures / Ambrose Rust. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1965, p. 331 - 334
Rome (1965)
More Priests are Needed / Paul Egli. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1965, p. 335/336
Gwelo, Rhodesia (1965)
The Catholic Clergy in Japan / Giosch Gartmann. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1965, p. 337/338
Cardinal Tatsuo Do... (1965)
Seminary Problems in Formosa / Alois Bürke. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1965, p. 339 - 343
Taitung (1965)
The Rain-God of Tungho / Hans Egli. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1965, p. 344 - 348
Formosa (1965)
A new Church for Tungho / Hans Egli. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1965, p. 349 - 351
Formosa / Meinrad Tschirky ... (1965)
It all Happened a Year Ago. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1965, p. 363 - 376
Gwelo / Aloisius Haene SMB (1965)
My First Parish / Edward Studhalter. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1965, p. 369 - 374
Timbio, Colombia / Maria Ka... (1965)
The Image of God in the Hearts of Men / George Sturm. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1965, p. 375 - 379
Fukuoka, J... (1965)
Zen-A Way to Illumination / Joseph Wachter. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1965, p. 380 - 385
Ichinoseki, Japan (1965)
Shinto - The Way of the Gods / Alois Wolfisberg. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1965, p. 386 - 393
Ofunato, Japan (1965)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1966)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1967)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1968)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1969)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1970)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1971)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an pictorial magazine published ten times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Society, Immensee, Switzerland. (1972)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an pictorial magazine published ten times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Society, Immensee, Switzerland. (1973)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an pictorial magazine published ten times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Society, Immensee, Switzerland. (1974)
K 6673 Bethlehem: Mission and Third World. An pictorial magazine published nine times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Societ... (1975-1976)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1977-1978)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1979-1980)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1981-1982)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1983-1984)
PA 1458 SMB-Publikationen intern, periodisch erscheinend, hauptsächlich deutsch, mit einzelnen Beiträgen auch in Englisch oder F... (1936-2009)
PA 1467 Kapelle Missionshaus Immensee, Skizzen und Entwürfe Hochaltarbild und Glasfenster Krypta, sowie Friedhof, ein Aquarell z... (1937 (ca.)-1945 (ca.))
Spitalschwestern-Gemeinschaft von Luzern
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Drucksachen: Schriften, Flugblätter, Zeitungsnummern, Spielkarten etc.