CH StALU Staatsarchiv des Kantons Luzern (12. Jh. (ca.)-21. Jh.)
Staatliche Bestände (Historische Bestände, Pertinenz-System)
Staatliche Bestände (Moderne Bestände, Provenienz-System)
Bestände Stadt Luzern
Nichtstaatliche Bestände (Privatarchive)
Familienarchive, Nachlässe, Einzelakten von Personen, Genealogie
Schloss- und Herrschaftsarchive
Korporationen und Zwinge
Einwohnergemeinden, Bürgergemeinden, Ortsgeschichten, Liegenschaften, Höfe
Landeskirchen (römisch-katholisch und evangelisch-reformiert), Kirchgemeinden und Pfarreien, lokale Bruderschaften, Kong...
Klöster, Stifte, religiöse Gemeinschaften
Dominikanerinnen Sankt Agnes
Kloster Sankt Anna, Luzern, Gerlisberg
Kloster Sankt Urban
Kongregation der Barmherzigen Brüder von Maria-Hilf
Missionsgesellschaft Bethlehem Immensee SMB
FDC 115 Glasplatten-Negative Sammlung "Alt-Bethlehem" (1901-1937 (ca.))
FDC 118 SMB-China-Mission Tsitsikar: Sammlung Glas-Diapositive, koloriert (1926 (ca.)-1939 (ca.))
FDC 121 SMB-China-Mission Tsitsikar/Qiqihar: Glasplatten-Negative, schwarz-weiss (1926 (ca.)-1939 (ca.))
PA 1378 Fotobestand SMB: Fotonachlass Josef Schmidlin SMB, Japan (1956 (ca.)-1983 (ca.))
PA 1388 Seminar-Blätter bzw. Scintillae sowie Kritik der Seminarblätter (1923-1964)
PA 1390 Ecuador, Quito: Aquarelle, Zeichnungen und Fotografien mit religiösen und volkskundlichen Motiven. Sammlung aus der Barr... (1886 (ca.)-1900 (ca.))
PA 1408 SMB-Region Simbabwe Rhodesien, Zeitschriften 1: Guti bzw. Pakati Pedu. (1951.12-2002)
PA 1410 SMB-Region Simbabwe Rhodesien, Zeitschriften 2: Catholic News bzw. Parish News (1958.07-1968.12)
PA 1411 SMB-Region Simbabwe Rhodesien, Zeitschriften 3: Mambo Magazine; Kristo; Moto (1974-1990)
PA 1420 SMB-Zeitungssammlung Pressedienst Walter Heim (1948-1979)
PA 1435 Institut Bethlehem bzw. Gymnasium Immensee: Theater, Veranstaltungen (1914 (ca.)-2006)
H 334 Zeitschrift Bethlehem bzw. Wendekreis (1896-2017)
H 335 Bethlehem-Kalender bzw. Bethlehem Jahrbuch (1922-1988)
K 6673 Bethlehem: The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem, Immensee, Switzerland. (1897-1984)
K 6673 Bethlehem or Stamp Collector Calendar. An illustrated monthly Magazine issued by the Bethlehem Institute. (1897-1905)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An Illustrated Monthly Magazine issued by the Bethlehem Institute. Ab Mai 1908 im Untertitel: A Magazine of t... (1906-1909)
K 6673 Bethlehem. A Monthly Magazine of the Bethlehem Apostolic School and of the Work of Missions and Abandoned Parishes. (1910-1911)
K 6673 Bethlehem. A Monthly Magazine of the Bethlehem Apostolic School and of the Work of Missions and Abandoned Parishes. (1912)
K 6673 Bethlehem. A Monthly Magazine. (1913-1914)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1915-1916)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1917-1918)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1919)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1920)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1921)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1922)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1923)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1924)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1925)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1926)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1927)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1928)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1929)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1930)
K 6673 Bethlehem. An illustrated monthly Magazine. (1931)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1932)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1933)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1934)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1935)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1936)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1937)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1938)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1939-1940)
K 6673 Bethlehem: The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem, Immensee, Switzerland. (1946)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1947)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1948)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1949)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. (1950)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1951)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1952)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1953)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1954)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1955)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1956)
K 6673 Bethlehem. The Organ of the Missionary Society of Bethlehem Immensee. The Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1957)
K 6673 Bethlehem, published by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1958)
Letters from our Missions / Guy Zanetti. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1958, p. 5 - 9
S. Rhodesia / St. Edward's, ... (1958)
The Blessing of our Church Bell / Francis Senn. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1958, p 7 - 9
Formosa / Kwan-Shan / ... (1958)
New Missionaries. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1958, p. 12
Ernest Manhart SMB / Francis Leimer SMB / Joseph Wyss ... (1958)
Japan's Population Problem . - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1958, p. 15 - 20 (1958)
New Year in Japan / Thomas Immoos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1958, p. 21 - 23 (1958)
The Diary. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1958, p. 22 - 26
James Hilber SMB (1958)
St. Nicholas of Flue / Thomas Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 1, 1958, p. 27 - 31
Ranft, Switzerland, Sarnen (1958)
In Praise of the Family / Gebhard Beerle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1958, p. 32 - 37
Japan (1958)
Off to Zaka - St. Edward's / Guy Zanetti. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1958, p. 38 - 42
Gokomere Mission / Driefo... (1958)
Christ in Taitung Town / Jakob Hilber. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1958, p. 43/44
Formosa (1958)
The Religious Spirit of the Chinese To-Day. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No.2, 1958, p. 45 - 53
China (1958)
The Bethlehem Society's General Chapter 1957. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1958, p. 48 - 52
China / Tsitsihar/Har... (1958)
From a Bethlehem Schoolboy's Diary. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1958, p. 53 - 57
Immensee (1958)
St. Nicholas of Flue / Thomas Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 2, 1958, p. 58 - 63
Ranft, Switzerland (1958)
The Unity of the Family / Gebhard Beerle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 3, 1958, p. 65 - 70 (1958)
Holy Week at Gobo / James Braendle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 3, 1958, p. 71 - 79
S. Rhodesia / Gobo / James Amrh... (1958)
From a Bethlehem Schoolboy's Diary. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 3, 1958, p. 84 - 87 (1958)
St. Nicholas of Flue / Thomas Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 3, 1958, p. 90 - 95
Ranft, Switzerland (1958)
The Cross in the Family / Gebhard Beerle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1958, p. 96 - 100 (1958)
In the Valley of Eternal Peace / Tschirky, Meinrad. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1958, p. 101 - 103
Formosa / Tai... (1958)
A Meeting of Young Christian Workers in Japan / Francis Geisser. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1958, p. 104 - 106 (1958)
Two Young Africans Tell the Story of Their Conversions. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1958, p. 107/108
Africa / Fr... (1958)
From a Bethlehem Schoolboy's Diary. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1958, p. 115 - 119 (1958)
St. Nicholas of Flue / Thomas Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 4, 1958, p. 121 - 127
Ranft, Switzerland (1958)
Christ in the Family / Gebhard Beerle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1958, p. 128 - 132 (1958)
So Much to Do, So Little Done / Max Blöchliger. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1958, p. 134 - 139
Rhodesia / Bishop... (1958)
St. Edward's Church / Guy Zanetti. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1958, p. 146/147 (1958)
The Schoolboy's Diary. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1958, p. 150/155
Anthony Loetscher SMB (1958)
Six New Bethlehem Priests Were Ordained on Palm Sunday. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1958, p. 152/153
Walter Wies... (1958)
St. Nicholas Of Flue / Thomas Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1958, p. 156 - 158
Ranft, Switzerland (1958)
Father / Gebhard Beerle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 5, 1958, p. 160 - 165 (1958)
They Came Back / Joseph Michlig. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1958, p. 166 - 169
Mutero / Patrick Galvin SMB (1958)
A Roundabaout Way to Hospital / Xavier Inglin . In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1958, p. 172 - 175
S. Rhodesia (1958)
Hot and Cold from the Island of Formosa / Patrick Veil. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1958, p. 176 - 180 (1958)
From a Bethlehem Schoolboy's Diary. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1958, p. 181 - 187 (1958)
St. Nicholas of Flue / Thomas Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 6, 1958, p. 189 - 191 (1958)
Mother / Gebhard Beerle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1958, p. 192 - 197 (1958)
Superintendent / James Braendle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1958, p. 198 - 200 (1958)
The Station of the Queen of Peace in the Land of the White Hyaena / Joseph Tschirky. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 195... (1958)
The Wild Boars' Skulls / Jakob Hilber. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1958, p. 208 - 210
Taitung, Formosa (1958)
En Route to be Missions / Ernest Manhart. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1958, p. 211 - 214
Taitung Mission / Formo... (1958)
From A Bethlehem Schoolboy's Diary. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1958, p. 215 - 218
Immensee / Rebstein, Switzerl... (1958)
St. Nicholas of Flue / Thomas Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 7, 1958, p. 219 - 223
Ranft, Switzerland (1958)
The Child / Gebhard Beerle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1958, p. 225 - 229
Japan / Josef Schmidlin SMB (1958)
Superintendent / James Braendle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1958, p. 230 - 232
S. Rhodesia / Zaka (1958)
The Route to the Missions / Ernest Manhart. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1958, p. 233 - 237
Formosa (1958)
How the Home Country Strikes a Missionary After Ten Years / Joseph Rutishauser. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9 1958, p... (1958)
From a Bethlehem Schoolboy's Diary. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No 8/9, 1958, p. 244 - 249
Francis Meier SMB, Headmaste... (1958)
St. Nicholas of Flue / Thomas Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 8/9, 1958, p. 250 - 254
Ranft, Switzerland (1958)
Obedience / Gebhard Beerle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1958, p. 257 - 261 (1958)
Father John Rohrer SMB / Adolf Huber. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1958, p. 262 - 267
Africa / Death of John Roh... (1958)
Catholic Mission Press, Gwelo / Anthony Loetscher. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1958, p. 268 - 271
Rhodesia / Op... (1958)
Giv us This Day our Daily...Water / John Inauen. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1958, p. 272 - 276
Africa / St. An... (1958)
Superintendent / James Braendle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1958, p. 277 - 282
Zaka, S. Rhodesia (1958)
From Bethlehem Schoolboy's Holiday Letters. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1958, p. 278 - 282 (1958)
St. Nicholas of Flue / Thomas Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 10, 1958, p. 283 - 286
Ranft, Switzerland (1958)
Prayer within the Family / Gebhard Beerle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1958, p. 288 - 293 (1958)
For an Active Catholic Laity in Latin America / Al Imfeld. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1958, p. 294/295 (1958)
Wresting for The Soul of Japan / Paul Schönenberger. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1958, p. 296 - 299 (1958)
The Pastoral Work of the Bethlehem Fathers amon Japanese Students / John Rohner. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1958, ... (1958)
A Celebration in Honour of Goto Juan; First Catholic Rally in Mizusawa / Paul Schönenberger. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No... (1958)
From a Bethlehem Schoolboy's Diary. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1958, p. 310 - 312 (1958)
St. Nicholas of Flue / Thomas Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1958, p. 314 - 319
Ranft, Sachseln / Switzerlan... (1958)
Punishment / Gebhard Beerle. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 11, 1958, p. 322 (1958)
We Pray for the Church in Formosa / Anton Züger. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1958, p. 326 - 331 (1958)
Our Students' Home in Taitung / Aloysius Bürke. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No 12, 1958, p. 332 -
China (1958)
Catholic Schools in Japan. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1958, p. 335 (1958)
From a Bethlehem Schoolboy's Diary. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No 12, 1958, p. 338 - 342 (1958)
Five New Missionaries for Gwelo, S. Rhodesia. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1958, p. 343
Othmar Rüegg SMB / Bro. ... (1958)
St. Nicholas of Flue / Thomas Boos. - In: Bethlehem (engl.), No. 12, 1958, p. 344 - 351
Ranft, Sachseln / Switzerlan... (1958)
K 6673 Bethlehem, by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1959)
K 6673 Bethlehem, by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1960)
K 6673 Bethlehem, by the Bethlehem Fathers, Immensee, Switzerland. (1961)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1962)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1963)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1964)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1965)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1966)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1967)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1968)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1969)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1970)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an illustrated monthly mission magazine published by the Bethlehem Fathers. (1971)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an pictorial magazine published ten times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Society, Immensee, Switzerland. (1972)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an pictorial magazine published ten times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Society, Immensee, Switzerland. (1973)
K 6673 Bethlehem, an pictorial magazine published ten times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Society, Immensee, Switzerland. (1974)
K 6673 Bethlehem: Mission and Third World. An pictorial magazine published nine times yearly by the Bethlehem Missionary Societ... (1975-1976)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1977-1978)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1979-1980)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1981-1982)
K 6673 Bethlehem: mission and third world : a bimonthly pictorial magazine. (1983-1984)
PA 1458 SMB-Publikationen intern, periodisch erscheinend, hauptsächlich deutsch, mit einzelnen Beiträgen auch in Englisch oder F... (1936-2009)
PA 1467 Kapelle Missionshaus Immensee, Skizzen und Entwürfe Hochaltarbild und Glasfenster Krypta, sowie Friedhof, ein Aquarell z... (1937 (ca.)-1945 (ca.))
Spitalschwestern-Gemeinschaft von Luzern
Stift St. Leodegar im Hof, Luzern
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Regionale Verwaltungseinheiten und Organisationen: Schulkreise, Ämter, Bezirke etc.
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Drucksachen: Schriften, Flugblätter, Zeitungsnummern, Spielkarten etc.